{% load staticfiles %} {% include "frontend/header.html" %}


Server logs

A visit to our website can result in the storage on our server of information about the access (date, time, page accessed). This does not represent any analysis of personal data (e.g., name, address or e-mail address). If personal data are collected, this only occurs – to the extent possible – with the prior consent of the user of the website. Any forwarding of the data to third parties without the express consent of the user shall not take place.

Uploaded information

This platform allows users to submit data for verification purpose like program code and quizes. For improving the overall quality of the teaching experience, we may store and process the submitted information automatically. If you are logged in as a user, the user id is also contained in this data. If you do not like that your id is potentially stored together with the program code, we recommend to not login as a user but use the platform anonymously.

Information about cookies


If you have any questions regarding privacy send an email to: info@oer.hps.vi4io.org

{% include "frontend/footer.html" %}