#include #include int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // First we must open the file. we have to pass the name and our mode. // we only want to read so we pass "r" FILE *file = fopen("Lorem_Ipsum.txt","r"); // Check if we succeded if(file) { // TODO: Read up on how to get the filesize and the data from the file with stdio // tipp: fseek, ftell, fread ... // TODO: Get the filesize int Filesize = 0; char *Buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*(Filesize+1)); Buffer[Filesize] = 0; // This is optianal but it is sometimes convenient to nullterminate your buffer // If you dont want to do that you just have to allocate the exact amount // TODO: Copy the data into the Buffer // Now you have read the data into a buffer and you could mess with it, if you wanted to. // For now were will just print it out; printf("%s", Buffer); // if you use the file the whole liftime of the program you actualy don't need to close it. fclose(file); } else { // Here you could write your error handling or log the error; } }