#include #include // You typicly write all of your includes in the beginning // We want to use some math function. // To do so we have to either write them our self or include a library. // Because we are lazy and don't want to spend time debugging we will include the math.h library. // TODO: Include math.h // Be carefull! For some libraries you have to tell the linker which libraries he has to link to your program // I.g in this case, because we are compiling with gcc, we need to set the -lm flag int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int Value = 90; float SinValue = sin(Value); float CosinValue = cos(Value); printf("The sin of %d is %4.2f and the cosin is %4.2f.", Value, SinValue, CosinValue); } // On many linux-distributions you can use "man " to get information // If you are on linux, try using : // man atof // man printf // man sin