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Problem, a particular job found that isn't performing well. Now how can we find similar jobs? Problem with definition of similarity. In this paper, a methodology and algorithms to identify similar jobs based on profiles and time series are illustrated. Similar to a study. Research questions: is this effective to find similar jobs? The contribution of this paper... \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} %This paper is structured as follows. %We start with the related work in \Cref{sec:relwork}. %Then, in TODO we introduce the DKRZ monitoring systems and explain how I/O metrics are captured by the collectors. %In \Cref{sec:methodology} we describe the data reduction and the machine learning approaches and do an experiment in \Cref{sec:data,sec:evaluation}. %Finally, we finalize our paper with a summary in \Cref{sec:summary}. \section{Related Work} \label{sec:relwork} \section{Methodology} \label{sec:methodology} Given: the reference job ID. Create from 4D time series data (number of nodes, per file systems, 9 metrics, time) a feature set. Adapt the algorithms: \begin{itemize} \item iterate for all jobs \begin{itemize} \item compute distance to reference job \end{itemize} \item sort the jobs based on the distance to ref job \item create cumulative job distribution based on distance for visualization, allow users to output jobs with a given distance \end{itemize} A user might be interested to explore say closest 10 or 50 jobs. Algorithms: Profile algorithm: job-profiles (job-duration, job-metrics, combine both) $\rightarrow$ just compute geom-mean distance between profile Check time series algorithms: \begin{itemize} \item bin \item hex\_native \item hex\_lev \item hex\_quant \end{itemize} \section{Evaluation} \label{sec:evaluation} In the following, we assume a job is given and we aim to identify similar jobs. We chose several reference jobs with different compute and IO characteristics visualized in \Cref{fig:refJobs}: \begin{itemize} \item Job-S: performs postprocessing on a single node. This is a typical process in climate science where data products are reformatted and annotated with metadata to a standard representation (so called CMORization). The post-processing is IO intensive. \item Job-M: a typical MPI parallel 8-hour compute job on 128 nodes which writes time series data after some spin up. %CHE.ws12 \item Job-L: a 66-hour 20-node job. The initialization data is read at the beginning. Then only a single master node writes constantly a small volume of data; in fact, the generated data is too small to be categorized as IO relevant. \end{itemize} For each reference job and algorithm, we created a CSV files with the computed similarity for all other jobs. Sollte man was zur Laufzeit der Algorithmen sagen? Denke Daten zu haben wäre sinnvoll. Create histograms + cumulative job distribution for all algorithms. Insert job profiles for closest 10 jobs. Potentially, analyze how the rankings of different similarities look like. \begin{figure} \begin{subfigure}{0.8\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{job-timeseries4296426} \caption{Job-S} \label{fig:job-S} \end{subfigure} \caption{Reference jobs: timeline of mean IO activity} \label{fig:refJobs} \end{figure} \begin{figure}\ContinuedFloat \begin{subfigure}{0.8\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{job-timeseries5024292} \caption{Job-M} \label{fig:job-M} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{0.8\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{job-timeseries7488914-30.pdf} \caption{Job-L (first 30 segments of 400; remaining segments are similar)} \label{fig:job-L} \end{subfigure} \caption{Reference jobs: timeline of mean IO activity; non-shown timelines are 0} \end{figure} \section{Summary and Conclusion} \label{sec:summary} %\printbibliography \end{document}