#!/usr/bin/env python3 import csv import sys import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame from pandas import Grouper import seaborn as sns from matplotlib import pyplot import matplotlib.cm as cm jobs = sys.argv[1].split(",") prefix = sys.argv[2].split(",") fileformat = ".png" print("Plotting the job: " + str(sys.argv[1])) print("Plotting with prefix: " + str(sys.argv[2])) # Color map colorMap = { "md_file_create": cm.tab10(0), "md_file_delete": cm.tab10(1), "md_mod": cm.tab10(2), "md_other": cm.tab10(3), "md_read": cm.tab10(4), "read_bytes": cm.tab10(5), "read_calls": cm.tab10(6), "write_bytes": cm.tab10(7), "write_calls": cm.tab10(8) } markerMap = { "md_file_create": "^", "md_file_delete": "v", "md_other": ".", "md_mod": "<", "md_read": ">", "read_bytes": "h", "read_calls": "H", "write_bytes": "D", "write_calls": "d" } linestyleMap = { "md_file_create": ":", "md_file_delete": ":", "md_mod": ":", "md_other": ":", "md_read": ":", "read_bytes": "--", "read_calls": "--", "write_bytes": "-.", "write_calls": "-." } # Plot the timeseries def plot(prefix, header, row): x = { h : d for (h, d) in zip(header, row)} jobid = x["jobid"] del x["jobid"] result = [] for k in x: timeseries = x[k].split(":") timeseries = [ float(x) for x in timeseries] if sum(timeseries) == 0: continue timeseries = [ [k, x, s] for (s,x) in zip(timeseries, range(0, len(timeseries))) ] result.extend(timeseries) if len(result) == 0: print("Empty job! Cannot plot!") return data = DataFrame(result, columns=["metrics", "segment", "value"]) groups = data.groupby(["metrics"]) metrics = DataFrame() labels = [] colors = [] style = [] for name, group in groups: style.append(linestyleMap[name] + markerMap[name]) colors.append(colorMap[name]) if name == "md_file_delete": name = "file_delete" if name == "md_file_create": name = "file_create" try: metrics[name] = pd.Series([x[2] for x in group.values]) except: print("Error processing %s with" % jobid) print(group.values) return labels.append(name) fsize = (8, 1 + 1.1 * len(labels)) fsizeFixed = (8, 2) fsizeHist = (8, 6.5) pyplot.close('all') if len(labels) < 4 : ax = metrics.plot(legend=True, sharex=True, grid = True, sharey=True, markersize=10, figsize=fsizeFixed, color=colors, style=style) ax.set_ylabel("Value") else: ax = metrics.plot(subplots=True, legend=False, sharex=True, grid = True, sharey=True, markersize=10, figsize=fsize, color=colors, style=style) for (i, l) in zip(range(0, len(labels)), labels): ax[i].set_ylabel(l) pyplot.xlabel("Segment number") pyplot.savefig(prefix + "timeseries" + jobid + fileformat, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) # Create a facetted grid #g = sns.FacetGrid(tips, col="time", margin_titles=True) #bins = np.linspace(0, 60, 13) #g.map(plt.hist, "total_bill", color="steelblue", bins=bins) ax = metrics.hist(grid = True, sharey=True, figsize=fsizeHist, bins=15, range=(0, 15)) pyplot.xlim(0, 15) pyplot.savefig(prefix + "hist" + jobid + fileformat, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) # Plot first 30 segments if len(timeseries) <= 50: return if len(labels) < 4 : ax = metrics.plot(legend=True, xlim=(0,30), sharex=True, grid = True, sharey=True, markersize=10, figsize=fsizeFixed, color=colors, style=style) ax.set_ylabel("Value") else: ax = metrics.plot(subplots=True, xlim=(0,30), legend=False, sharex=True, grid = True, sharey=True, markersize=10, figsize=fsize, color=colors, style=style) for (i, l) in zip(range(0, len(labels)), labels): ax[i].set_ylabel(l) pyplot.xlabel("Segment number") pyplot.savefig(prefix + "timeseries" + jobid + "-30" + fileformat, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) ### end plotting function #with open('job-io-datasets/datasets/job_codings.csv') as csv_file: # EB: old codings with open('./datasets/job_codings_v4.csv') as csv_file: # EB: v3 codings moved to this repo csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in csv_reader: if line_count == 0: header = row line_count += 1 continue job = row[0].strip() if not job in jobs: continue else: index = jobs.index(job) plot(prefix[index] + "-ks-" + str(index), header, row)