\documentclass[12pt,english]{reading-letter} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \graphicspath{{../assets/}{./fig/}} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg} % to add a box around the address => useful when using a letter with a window \fenstermarken \Name {Dr. Julian M. Kunkel} \Building {Polly Vacher} \Street {} \POBox {} \Qualification {} \JobTitle {Lecturer} \Unit {Computer Science Department} \HTTP {https://hps.vi4io.org} \HTTPUnit {http://www.reading.ac.uk/computer-science} \Campus {Whiteknights} \City {Reading RG6 6AY} \Phone {+44 118 378 8218} \Country {UK} \EMail {j.m.kunkel@reading.ac.uk} %\Reference {Ref:} \renewcommand{\blztext}{\footnotesize BIC} \renewcommand{\kontotext}{\footnotesize IBAN} %If you want to embed a signature into the PDF: %\Signature {\includegraphics{unterschrift.png}\\ Dr. Julian M. Kunkel} \Signature {Dr. Julian M. Kunkel} \Adress {Bla\\Where\\x} \Subject {Letter of recommendation} \Date {\today} \Opening {Dear Madam and Sir,} \Greeting {Cordially}{1cm} \begin{document} \begin{readingLetter} % for longer letters: % \setlength{\parindent}{15pt} This is a trivial letter. \end{readingLetter} \end{document}