\documentclass{ResearchProposal} % The class file specifying the document structure \thesistitle[Optional Short Title]{MyThesis} \author{MyFirstname \textsc{MyLastname}} \supervisor{Dr. Julian \textsc{Kunkel}} % Your prospect supervisor's name (if known already), leave empty if you are looking for one \university{University of Reading} % The university you apply for \department{Department of Computer Science} % The department's name \group{\href{http://hps.vi4io.org}{High-Performance Storage}} % The research area/group \keywords{X, Y, Z} % Use a few describing the thesis better \addbibresource{example.bib} \startMain \textit{Please also check \url{http://www.reading.ac.uk/computer-science/dcs-PhD-programmes.aspx}.} \section{Motivation} \textit{What makes the research topic of interest and importance} \section{Research question} \textit{The main research question(s) that you want to address.} \textit{Provide one sentence that gives an overview of the topic, how would you describe your thesis to a computer scientist?} Example: The goal of this thesis is to understand and optimize the performance behavior for large-scale data accesses in the domain of climate and weather. \textit{Now split the research goal into questions} \smallskip This covers the research questions: \begin{enumerate} \item What workflows are limited by I/O? \item Which I/O operations are typically performed? \item Which optimizations are beneficial for the workflows on HPC systems? \end{enumerate} \section{Related work} \textit{How your thinking builds on any previous work.} \medskip Relevant work can be classified into: a) LaTeX studies, b) performance analysis in HPC, .... \paragraph{LaTeX studies.} It has been shown that blabla \citep{lamport1994latex}. \paragraph{Performance analysis.} \section{Research methodology} \textit{What research methodology or techniques you may need to use} \section{Required infrastructure} \textit{What facilities you are likely to require to conduct your research.} \medskip This research requires a supercomputer with more than 100 nodes to run experiments on. \section{Workplan} \textit{How the research can be completed in the time available. Provide a rough sketch over the runtime of your PhD} The following sketches the workplan for the different years of the PhD. \paragraph{First year:} setup of work environment, researching related work, writing the chapters introduction and related work of the thesis. \paragraph{Second year:} \paragraph{Third year:} \proposalAppendix Add here any appendix, if needed \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] \label{LastPage} \end{document}