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Calculating the average doesn't gives as much data, on how the probabilities for each outcome are distributed. So let's compute the frequency distribution, which tells you for every possible outcome, how often it happend after some iterations.


For that we need a new language construct: The array. An array is like the variables before. But now we talk about a set of variables.

To declare an array you put open and closed braces behind the name with the number of elements behind it. To access a single element you also put open and closed braces behind it with the number of the element you want to access. So int array[6]; declares an array of size six and array[0] = 42; sets the first element to 42. The first element has always the index 0 and the last has an index of size-1.


Your task is to create an array with the appropriate size, to count up the frequency of each outcome. The output of this program will be run through a plotting program. So when you hit the execute button, you will see a text based graph of the distribution.