
956 B

A data-structure often associated with the queue is the stack. That's because they are basically the opposite of one another. While the queue works on the FIFO-principle the stack works on the LIFO-principle (Last in first out).

Similar two the queue we have three basic operations, but they are called different to distinguish between the stack and the queue. - We put something at the top of the stack. That is called push. - We take something from the top of the stack. That is called pop. - As with the queue we sometimes one to just take a look at the top of the stack. So a peak operation is nice, but not necessary

Stacks are useful data-structures for parsing or when you want follow some data to the end and then back trace to a previous state, like in depth-fist-search. These are just some use cases for stacks, but they have many more.

Your task is to implement the push, pop and peak functions for the stack.