
599 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-10-23 09:11:31 +00:00
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 2 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c01,isc17-c02,isc17-c03,isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07,isc17-c08,isc17-c09,isc17-c11,isc17-c12,isc17-c13,isc17-c14,isc17-c15,isc17-c18,isc17-c22 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 1048576 -b 70590136320 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:16#PPN:2#API:POSIX#T:1048576.txt
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 09:47:19 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 1048576 -b 70590136320 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
Machine: Linux isc17-c01
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 09:47:19 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 32 (2 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 1 MiB
blocksize = 65.74 GiB
aggregate filesize = 2103.75 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 2258884362240.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 2258788941824.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 658624217088.
write 4669 68935680 1024.00 0.001081 134.51 0.000669 134.52 0
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 2258884362240.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 2258653675520.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 668196667392.
write 4746 68935680 1024.00 0.004385 134.26 0.001022 134.26 1
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 2258884362240.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 2258737561600.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 653849001984.
write 4637 68935680 1024.00 0.002475 134.48 0.001501 134.48 2
Max Write: 4746.30 MiB/sec (4976.86 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
write 4746.30 4636.84 4684.20 45.89 134.41843 0 32 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 70590136320 1048576 658624217088 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 09:54:11 2018
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 2 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c01,isc17-c02,isc17-c03,isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07,isc17-c08,isc17-c09,isc17-c11,isc17-c12,isc17-c13,isc17-c14,isc17-c15,isc17-c18,isc17-c22 /esfs/jtacquaviva/git/ime-evaluation/drop_caches.sh
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:16#PPN:2#API:POSIX#T:1048576.txt
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 2 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c01,isc17-c02,isc17-c03,isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07,isc17-c08,isc17-c09,isc17-c11,isc17-c12,isc17-c13,isc17-c14,isc17-c15,isc17-c18,isc17-c22 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 1048576 -b 70590136320 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread16/file -r
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 09:54:31 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 1048576 -b 70590136320 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread16/file -r
Machine: Linux isc17-c01
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 09:54:31 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread16/file
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 32 (2 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 1 MiB
blocksize = 65.74 GiB
aggregate filesize = 2103.75 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 2258884362240.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 4517768724480.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 289747763200.
read 2301.58 68935680 1024.00 0.004985 120.06 0.004599 120.06 0
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 2258884362240.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 4517768724480.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 329581068288.
read 2618.67 68935680 1024.00 0.004627 120.03 0.004544 120.03 1
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 2258884362240.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 4517768724480.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 353401569280.
read 2808.00 68935680 1024.00 0.004710 120.02 0.004864 120.03 2
Max Read: 2808.00 MiB/sec (2944.40 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
read 2808.00 2301.58 2576.08 208.93 120.03717 0 32 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 70590136320 1048576 289747763200 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 10:00:31 2018
+ set +x
stripe_count: 32 stripe_size: 1048576 stripe_offset: -1
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459177 0xbe1ca9 0
1 12640453 0xc0e0c5 0
5 12380824 0xbcea98 0
6 12594081 0xc02ba1 0
3 12488763 0xbe903b 0
4 12510552 0xbee558 0
0 12422478 0xbd8d4e 0
2 12568820 0xbfc8f4 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12568812 0xbfc8ec 0
3 12488759 0xbe9037 0
7 12459183 0xbe1caf 0
0 12422476 0xbd8d4c 0
5 12380829 0xbcea9d 0
1 12640462 0xc0e0ce 0
6 12594087 0xc02ba7 0
4 12510556 0xbee55c 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594094 0xc02bae 0
2 12568831 0xbfc8ff 0
7 12459198 0xbe1cbe 0
3 12488778 0xbe904a 0
0 12422492 0xbd8d5c 0
1 12640477 0xc0e0dd 0
4 12510567 0xbee567 0
5 12380846 0xbceaae 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12422468 0xbd8d44 0
3 12488755 0xbe9033 0
6 12594076 0xc02b9c 0
5 12380819 0xbcea93 0
1 12640451 0xc0e0c3 0
2 12568811 0xbfc8eb 0
7 12459178 0xbe1caa 0
4 12510551 0xbee557 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594105 0xc02bb9 0
0 12422498 0xbd8d62 0
2 12568840 0xbfc908 0
4 12510574 0xbee56e 0
7 12459205 0xbe1cc5 0
1 12640481 0xc0e0e1 0
3 12488784 0xbe9050 0
5 12380848 0xbceab0 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12568829 0xbfc8fd 0
7 12459197 0xbe1cbd 0
3 12488774 0xbe9046 0
0 12422493 0xbd8d5d 0
1 12640478 0xc0e0de 0
6 12594103 0xc02bb7 0
4 12510571 0xbee56b 0
5 12380847 0xbceaaf 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12488779 0xbe904b 0
5 12380843 0xbceaab 0
6 12594100 0xc02bb4 0
0 12422494 0xbd8d5e 0
2 12568836 0xbfc904 0
4 12510569 0xbee569 0
7 12459202 0xbe1cc2 0
1 12640479 0xc0e0df 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12488770 0xbe9042 0
0 12422485 0xbd8d55 0
4 12510561 0xbee561 0
2 12568826 0xbfc8fa 0
7 12459194 0xbe1cba 0
6 12594092 0xc02bac 0
1 12640468 0xc0e0d4 0
5 12380837 0xbceaa5 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380836 0xbceaa4 0
7 12459193 0xbe1cb9 0
1 12640467 0xc0e0d3 0
2 12568827 0xbfc8fb 0
0 12422486 0xbd8d56 0
4 12510564 0xbee564 0
3 12488772 0xbe9044 0
6 12594097 0xc02bb1 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594077 0xc02b9d 0
5 12380821 0xbcea95 0
4 12510547 0xbee553 0
0 12422471 0xbd8d47 0
2 12568814 0xbfc8ee 0
7 12459182 0xbe1cae 0
1 12640454 0xc0e0c6 0
3 12488762 0xbe903a 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594078 0xc02b9e 0
7 12459180 0xbe1cac 0
5 12380826 0xbcea9a 0
1 12640461 0xc0e0cd 0
4 12510554 0xbee55a 0
3 12488766 0xbe903e 0
2 12568821 0xbfc8f5 0
0 12422480 0xbd8d50 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12640470 0xc0e0d6 0
2 12568830 0xbfc8fe 0
4 12510565 0xbee565 0
3 12488777 0xbe9049 0
7 12459206 0xbe1cc6 0
6 12594106 0xc02bba 0
0 12422499 0xbd8d63 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12568813 0xbfc8ed 0
7 12459181 0xbe1cad 0
6 12594083 0xc02ba3 0
1 12640459 0xc0e0cb 0
0 12422477 0xbd8d4d 0
4 12510553 0xbee559 0
5 12380830 0xbcea9e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12422488 0xbd8d58 0
1 12640471 0xc0e0d7 0
2 12568832 0xbfc900 0
5 12380845 0xbceaad 0
4 12510570 0xbee56a 0
7 12459201 0xbe1cc1 0
6 12594104 0xc02bb8 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12640472 0xc0e0d8 0
3 12488775 0xbe9047 0
5 12380842 0xbceaaa 0
6 12594102 0xc02bb6 0
0 12422495 0xbd8d5f 0
2 12568837 0xbfc905 0
4 12510572 0xbee56c 0
7 12459203 0xbe1cc3 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594075 0xc02b9b 0
4 12510544 0xbee550 0
1 12640450 0xc0e0c2 0
0 12422469 0xbd8d45 0
7 12459176 0xbe1ca8 0
2 12568809 0xbfc8e9 0
3 12488756 0xbe9034 0
5 12380822 0xbcea96 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594093 0xc02bad 0
1 12640469 0xc0e0d5 0
4 12510563 0xbee563 0
3 12488776 0xbe9048 0
7 12459200 0xbe1cc0 0
2 12568833 0xbfc901 0
0 12422496 0xbd8d60 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459195 0xbe1cbb 0
4 12510562 0xbee562 0
2 12568828 0xbfc8fc 0
5 12380840 0xbceaa8 0
0 12422489 0xbd8d59 0
3 12488773 0xbe9045 0
1 12640474 0xc0e0da 0
6 12594096 0xc02bb0 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380838 0xbceaa6 0
6 12594095 0xc02baf 0
1 12640473 0xc0e0d9 0
0 12422491 0xbd8d5b 0
4 12510566 0xbee566 0
7 12459199 0xbe1cbf 0
3 12488780 0xbe904c 0
2 12568835 0xbfc903 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12488758 0xbe9036 0
4 12510550 0xbee556 0
5 12380825 0xbcea99 0
0 12422475 0xbd8d4b 0
1 12640456 0xc0e0c8 0
2 12568818 0xbfc8f2 0
6 12594085 0xc02ba5 0
7 12459185 0xbe1cb1 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380823 0xbcea97 0
3 12488760 0xbe9038 0
6 12594080 0xc02ba0 0
2 12568816 0xbfc8f0 0
7 12459184 0xbe1cb0 0
0 12422479 0xbd8d4f 0
4 12510555 0xbee55b 0
1 12640463 0xc0e0cf 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380839 0xbceaa7 0
0 12422490 0xbd8d5a 0
1 12640476 0xc0e0dc 0
6 12594099 0xc02bb3 0
4 12510568 0xbee568 0
2 12568838 0xbfc906 0
3 12488782 0xbe904e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12510548 0xbee554 0
0 12422472 0xbd8d48 0
1 12640457 0xc0e0c9 0
2 12568819 0xbfc8f3 0
6 12594086 0xc02ba6 0
7 12459188 0xbe1cb4 0
3 12488767 0xbe903f 0
5 12380832 0xbceaa0 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380834 0xbceaa2 0
6 12594090 0xc02baa 0
0 12422483 0xbd8d53 0
2 12568824 0xbfc8f8 0
4 12510559 0xbee55f 0
7 12459191 0xbe1cb7 0
1 12640465 0xc0e0d1 0
3 12488769 0xbe9041 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12488757 0xbe9035 0
4 12510549 0xbee555 0
0 12422473 0xbd8d49 0
1 12640455 0xc0e0c7 0
6 12594082 0xc02ba2 0
5 12380828 0xbcea9c 0
2 12568817 0xbfc8f1 0
7 12459187 0xbe1cb3 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380844 0xbceaac 0
6 12594101 0xc02bb5 0
0 12422497 0xbd8d61 0
2 12568839 0xbfc907 0
4 12510573 0xbee56d 0
7 12459204 0xbe1cc4 0
1 12640480 0xc0e0e0 0
3 12488783 0xbe904f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12488768 0xbe9040 0
5 12380833 0xbceaa1 0
6 12594089 0xc02ba9 0
0 12422482 0xbd8d52 0
2 12568823 0xbfc8f7 0
4 12510558 0xbee55e 0
7 12459190 0xbe1cb6 0
1 12640464 0xc0e0d0 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12640460 0xc0e0cc 0
3 12488765 0xbe903d 0
5 12380831 0xbcea9f 0
6 12594088 0xc02ba8 0
0 12422481 0xbd8d51 0
2 12568822 0xbfc8f6 0
4 12510557 0xbee55d 0
7 12459189 0xbe1cb5 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459196 0xbe1cbc 0
0 12422487 0xbd8d57 0
5 12380841 0xbceaa9 0
1 12640475 0xc0e0db 0
6 12594098 0xc02bb2 0
3 12488781 0xbe904d 0
2 12568834 0xbfc902 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380820 0xbcea94 0
4 12510546 0xbee552 0
1 12640452 0xc0e0c4 0
7 12459179 0xbe1cab 0
2 12568815 0xbfc8ef 0
0 12422474 0xbd8d4a 0
3 12488764 0xbe903c 0
6 12594084 0xc02ba4 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12380835 0xbceaa3 0
2 12568825 0xbfc8f9 0
6 12594091 0xc02bab 0
3 12488771 0xbe9043 0
0 12422484 0xbd8d54 0
4 12510560 0xbee560 0
7 12459192 0xbe1cb8 0
1 12640466 0xc0e0d2 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12510545 0xbee551 0
2 12568810 0xbfc8ea 0
0 12422470 0xbd8d46 0
6 12594079 0xc02b9f 0
3 12488761 0xbe9039 0
5 12380827 0xbcea9b 0
1 12640458 0xc0e0ca 0
7 12459186 0xbe1cb2 0