
468 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-10-23 17:57:05 +00:00
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 6 -np 24 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 26843545600 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:4#PPN:6#API:POSIX#T:10485760.txt
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 11:54:39 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 26843545600 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
Machine: Linux isc17-c04
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 11:54:39 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 24 (6 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 10 MiB
blocksize = 25 GiB
aggregate filesize = 600 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
write 5643 26214400 10240 0.002738 108.88 0.001553 108.88 0
write 5632 26214400 10240 0.004198 109.09 0.001529 109.09 1
write 5681 26214400 10240 0.003430 108.14 0.001607 108.14 2
Max Write: 5681.30 MiB/sec (5957.27 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
write 5681.30 5631.95 5652.05 21.16 108.70548 0 24 6 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 26843545600 10485760 644245094400 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 12:00:10 2018
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 6 -np 24 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/git/ime-evaluation/drop_caches.sh
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 6 -np 24 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 26843545600 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file -r
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:4#PPN:6#API:POSIX#T:10485760.txt
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 12:00:21 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 26843545600 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file -r
Machine: Linux isc17-c04
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 12:00:21 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 24 (6 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 10 MiB
blocksize = 25 GiB
aggregate filesize = 600 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 3865470566400.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 271790899200.
read 2157.82 26214400 10240 0.001319 120.12 0.000687 120.12 0
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 3865470566400.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 358371819520.
read 2844.33 26214400 10240 0.000622 120.16 0.000686 120.16 1
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 3865470566400.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 355320463360.
read 2821.04 26214400 10240 0.000747 120.12 0.000900 120.12 2
Max Read: 2844.33 MiB/sec (2982.50 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
read 2844.33 2157.82 2607.73 318.28 120.13276 0 24 6 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 26843545600 10485760 271790899200 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 12:06:22 2018
+ set +x
stripe_count: 8 stripe_size: 1048576 stripe_offset: -1
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459879 0xbe1f67 0
1 12641157 0xc0e385 0
3 12489459 0xbe92f3 0
5 12381520 0xbced50 0
6 12594778 0xc02e5a 0
0 12423170 0xbd9002 0
2 12569511 0xbfcba7 0
4 12511247 0xbee80f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594771 0xc02e53 0
2 12569504 0xbfcba0 0
1 12641150 0xc0e37e 0
0 12423164 0xbd8ffc 0
4 12511240 0xbee808 0
3 12489453 0xbe92ed 0
7 12459874 0xbe1f62 0
5 12381514 0xbced4a 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459876 0xbe1f64 0
1 12641155 0xc0e383 0
3 12489457 0xbe92f1 0
5 12381518 0xbced4e 0
6 12594776 0xc02e58 0
0 12423168 0xbd9000 0
2 12569509 0xbfcba5 0
4 12511246 0xbee80e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489452 0xbe92ec 0
0 12423163 0xbd8ffb 0
5 12381513 0xbced49 0
7 12459873 0xbe1f61 0
6 12594772 0xc02e54 0
1 12641152 0xc0e380 0
2 12569505 0xbfcba1 0
4 12511242 0xbee80a 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511236 0xbee804 0
7 12459868 0xbe1f5c 0
1 12641146 0xc0e37a 0
3 12489449 0xbe92e9 0
5 12381510 0xbced46 0
6 12594768 0xc02e50 0
0 12423159 0xbd8ff7 0
2 12569501 0xbfcb9d 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489461 0xbe92f5 0
5 12381522 0xbced52 0
6 12594780 0xc02e5c 0
0 12423172 0xbd9004 0
2 12569513 0xbfcba9 0
4 12511249 0xbee811 0
7 12459881 0xbe1f69 0
1 12641159 0xc0e387 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381504 0xbced40 0
7 12459864 0xbe1f58 0
6 12594763 0xc02e4b 0
0 12423155 0xbd8ff3 0
4 12511233 0xbee801 0
2 12569497 0xbfcb99 0
1 12641143 0xc0e377 0
3 12489446 0xbe92e6 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489444 0xbe92e4 0
5 12381506 0xbced42 0
6 12594764 0xc02e4c 0
0 12423157 0xbd8ff5 0
2 12569498 0xbfcb9a 0
4 12511234 0xbee802 0
7 12459866 0xbe1f5a 0
1 12641144 0xc0e378 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641154 0xc0e382 0
3 12489456 0xbe92f0 0
5 12381517 0xbced4d 0
6 12594775 0xc02e57 0
0 12423167 0xbd8fff 0
2 12569508 0xbfcba4 0
4 12511245 0xbee80d 0
7 12459878 0xbe1f66 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381501 0xbced3d 0
6 12594759 0xc02e47 0
0 12423151 0xbd8fef 0
2 12569492 0xbfcb94 0
4 12511228 0xbee7fc 0
7 12459860 0xbe1f54 0
1 12641138 0xc0e372 0
3 12489440 0xbe92e0 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12423153 0xbd8ff1 0
2 12569494 0xbfcb96 0
4 12511230 0xbee7fe 0
7 12459862 0xbe1f56 0
1 12641140 0xc0e374 0
3 12489442 0xbe92e2 0
5 12381503 0xbced3f 0
6 12594761 0xc02e49 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569499 0xbfcb9b 0
3 12489447 0xbe92e7 0
4 12511237 0xbee805 0
7 12459869 0xbe1f5d 0
5 12381509 0xbced45 0
6 12594767 0xc02e4f 0
1 12641148 0xc0e37c 0
0 12423160 0xbd8ff8 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641149 0xc0e37d 0
3 12489451 0xbe92eb 0
5 12381512 0xbced48 0
6 12594770 0xc02e52 0
0 12423162 0xbd8ffa 0
2 12569503 0xbfcb9f 0
4 12511239 0xbee807 0
7 12459871 0xbe1f5f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381508 0xbced44 0
6 12594766 0xc02e4e 0
4 12511235 0xbee803 0
7 12459867 0xbe1f5b 0
1 12641145 0xc0e379 0
0 12423158 0xbd8ff6 0
2 12569500 0xbfcb9c 0
3 12489448 0xbe92e8 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459870 0xbe1f5e 0
1 12641147 0xc0e37b 0
3 12489450 0xbe92ea 0
5 12381511 0xbced47 0
6 12594769 0xc02e51 0
0 12423161 0xbd8ff9 0
2 12569502 0xbfcb9e 0
4 12511238 0xbee806 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641158 0xc0e386 0
3 12489460 0xbe92f4 0
5 12381521 0xbced51 0
6 12594779 0xc02e5b 0
0 12423171 0xbd9003 0
2 12569512 0xbfcba8 0
4 12511248 0xbee810 0
7 12459880 0xbe1f68 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594760 0xc02e48 0
0 12423152 0xbd8ff0 0
2 12569493 0xbfcb95 0
4 12511229 0xbee7fd 0
7 12459861 0xbe1f55 0
1 12641139 0xc0e373 0
3 12489441 0xbe92e1 0
5 12381502 0xbced3e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511232 0xbee800 0
2 12569496 0xbfcb98 0
1 12641142 0xc0e376 0
3 12489445 0xbe92e5 0
0 12423156 0xbd8ff4 0
5 12381507 0xbced43 0
6 12594765 0xc02e4d 0
7 12459865 0xbe1f59 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381523 0xbced53 0
6 12594781 0xc02e5d 0
0 12423173 0xbd9005 0
2 12569514 0xbfcbaa 0
4 12511250 0xbee812 0
7 12459882 0xbe1f6a 0
1 12641160 0xc0e388 0
3 12489462 0xbe92f6 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511244 0xbee80c 0
7 12459877 0xbe1f65 0
1 12641156 0xc0e384 0
3 12489458 0xbe92f2 0
5 12381519 0xbced4f 0
6 12594777 0xc02e59 0
0 12423169 0xbd9001 0
2 12569510 0xbfcba6 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489439 0xbe92df 0
5 12381500 0xbced3c 0
6 12594758 0xc02e46 0
0 12423150 0xbd8fee 0
2 12569491 0xbfcb93 0
4 12511227 0xbee7fb 0
7 12459859 0xbe1f53 0
1 12641137 0xc0e371 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459872 0xbe1f60 0
1 12641151 0xc0e37f 0
0 12423165 0xbd8ffd 0
3 12489454 0xbe92ee 0
4 12511241 0xbee809 0
5 12381515 0xbced4b 0
6 12594773 0xc02e55 0
2 12569506 0xbfcba2 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569495 0xbfcb97 0
4 12511231 0xbee7ff 0
7 12459863 0xbe1f57 0
1 12641141 0xc0e375 0
6 12594762 0xc02e4a 0
0 12423154 0xbd8ff2 0
3 12489443 0xbe92e3 0
5 12381505 0xbced41 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459875 0xbe1f63 0
1 12641153 0xc0e381 0
3 12489455 0xbe92ef 0
5 12381516 0xbced4c 0
6 12594774 0xc02e56 0
0 12423166 0xbd8ffe 0
2 12569507 0xbfcba3 0
4 12511243 0xbee80b 0