
595 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-10-23 17:57:05 +00:00
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 8 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:4#PPN:8#API:POSIX#T:10485760.txt
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 11:30:08 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
Machine: Linux isc17-c04
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 11:30:08 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 32 (8 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 10 MiB
blocksize = 18.75 GiB
aggregate filesize = 600 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
write 5671 19660800 10240 0.021417 108.32 0.000967 108.34 0
write 5638 19660800 10240 0.003743 108.98 0.000972 108.98 1
write 5656 19660800 10240 0.003467 108.62 0.001086 108.63 2
Max Write: 5670.84 MiB/sec (5946.31 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
write 5670.84 5637.75 5654.90 13.54 108.64968 0 32 8 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 20132659200 10485760 644245094400 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 11:35:39 2018
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 8 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/git/ime-evaluation/drop_caches.sh
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:4#PPN:8#API:POSIX#T:10485760.txt
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 8 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file -r
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 11:35:54 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 10485760 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file -r
Machine: Linux isc17-c04
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 11:35:54 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 32 (8 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 10 MiB
blocksize = 18.75 GiB
aggregate filesize = 600 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 5153960755200.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 347173027840.
read 2755.72 19660800 10240 0.011325 120.14 0.010177 120.15 0
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 5153960755200.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 449964933120.
read 3571.20 19660800 10240 0.010228 120.15 0.010208 120.16 1
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 5153960755200.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 440234147840.
read 3485.20 19660800 10240 0.010245 120.46 0.010226 120.46 2
Max Read: 3571.20 MiB/sec (3744.68 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
read 3571.20 2755.72 3270.71 365.84 120.25715 0 32 8 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 20132659200 10485760 347173027840 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 11:41:55 2018
+ set +x
stripe_count: 8 stripe_size: 1048576 stripe_offset: -1
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594681 0xc02df9 0
4 12511150 0xbee7ae 0
7 12459782 0xbe1f06 0
3 12489361 0xbe9291 0
0 12423074 0xbd8fa2 0
1 12641061 0xc0e325 0
5 12381424 0xbcecf0 0
2 12569415 0xbfcb47 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569428 0xbfcb54 0
1 12641074 0xc0e332 0
6 12594695 0xc02e07 0
4 12511164 0xbee7bc 0
3 12489376 0xbe92a0 0
0 12423089 0xbd8fb1 0
7 12459797 0xbe1f15 0
5 12381438 0xbcecfe 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511170 0xbee7c2 0
7 12459802 0xbe1f1a 0
5 12381443 0xbced03 0
6 12594701 0xc02e0d 0
0 12423094 0xbd8fb6 0
1 12641080 0xc0e338 0
3 12489382 0xbe92a6 0
2 12569434 0xbfcb5a 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594693 0xc02e05 0
4 12511162 0xbee7ba 0
1 12641072 0xc0e330 0
3 12489373 0xbe929d 0
2 12569427 0xbfcb53 0
0 12423087 0xbd8faf 0
7 12459795 0xbe1f13 0
5 12381436 0xbcecfc 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12423098 0xbd8fba 0
2 12569437 0xbfcb5d 0
4 12511174 0xbee7c6 0
7 12459806 0xbe1f1e 0
1 12641084 0xc0e33c 0
3 12489385 0xbe92a9 0
5 12381447 0xbced07 0
6 12594705 0xc02e11 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459800 0xbe1f18 0
5 12381441 0xbced01 0
6 12594699 0xc02e0b 0
0 12423092 0xbd8fb4 0
4 12511168 0xbee7c0 0
3 12489380 0xbe92a4 0
1 12641079 0xc0e337 0
2 12569432 0xbfcb58 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569410 0xbfcb42 0
1 12641056 0xc0e320 0
6 12594678 0xc02df6 0
4 12511147 0xbee7ab 0
3 12489358 0xbe928e 0
7 12459779 0xbe1f03 0
5 12381420 0xbcecec 0
0 12423071 0xbd8f9f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511167 0xbee7bf 0
7 12459799 0xbe1f17 0
1 12641077 0xc0e335 0
3 12489378 0xbe92a2 0
5 12381440 0xbced00 0
6 12594698 0xc02e0a 0
0 12423091 0xbd8fb3 0
2 12569430 0xbfcb56 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489365 0xbe9295 0
0 12423078 0xbd8fa6 0
4 12511154 0xbee7b2 0
5 12381427 0xbcecf3 0
2 12569419 0xbfcb4b 0
7 12459787 0xbe1f0b 0
1 12641065 0xc0e329 0
6 12594686 0xc02dfe 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381445 0xbced05 0
6 12594703 0xc02e0f 0
0 12423096 0xbd8fb8 0
2 12569435 0xbfcb5b 0
4 12511172 0xbee7c4 0
7 12459804 0xbe1f1c 0
1 12641082 0xc0e33a 0
3 12489383 0xbe92a7 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489381 0xbe92a5 0
2 12569433 0xbfcb59 0
5 12381444 0xbced04 0
6 12594702 0xc02e0e 0
4 12511171 0xbee7c3 0
7 12459803 0xbe1f1b 0
0 12423095 0xbd8fb7 0
1 12641081 0xc0e339 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489355 0xbe928b 0
5 12381417 0xbcece9 0
6 12594675 0xc02df3 0
0 12423068 0xbd8f9c 0
2 12569408 0xbfcb40 0
4 12511144 0xbee7a8 0
7 12459776 0xbe1f00 0
1 12641054 0xc0e31e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641070 0xc0e32e 0
6 12594691 0xc02e03 0
0 12423084 0xbd8fac 0
4 12511160 0xbee7b8 0
3 12489371 0xbe929b 0
2 12569425 0xbfcb51 0
7 12459793 0xbe1f11 0
5 12381434 0xbcecfa 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569438 0xbfcb5e 0
4 12511175 0xbee7c7 0
7 12459807 0xbe1f1f 0
1 12641085 0xc0e33d 0
3 12489386 0xbe92aa 0
5 12381448 0xbced08 0
6 12594706 0xc02e12 0
0 12423099 0xbd8fbb 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511148 0xbee7ac 0
3 12489359 0xbe928f 0
6 12594679 0xc02df7 0
2 12569412 0xbfcb44 0
1 12641059 0xc0e323 0
5 12381422 0xbcecee 0
7 12459781 0xbe1f05 0
0 12423073 0xbd8fa1 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594677 0xc02df5 0
4 12511146 0xbee7aa 0
7 12459778 0xbe1f02 0
3 12489357 0xbe928d 0
5 12381419 0xbceceb 0
0 12423070 0xbd8f9e 0
1 12641057 0xc0e321 0
2 12569411 0xbfcb43 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594704 0xc02e10 0
0 12423097 0xbd8fb9 0
2 12569436 0xbfcb5c 0
4 12511173 0xbee7c5 0
7 12459805 0xbe1f1d 0
1 12641083 0xc0e33b 0
3 12489384 0xbe92a8 0
5 12381446 0xbced06 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569429 0xbfcb55 0
4 12511166 0xbee7be 0
7 12459798 0xbe1f16 0
1 12641076 0xc0e334 0
3 12489377 0xbe92a1 0
5 12381439 0xbcecff 0
6 12594697 0xc02e09 0
0 12423090 0xbd8fb2 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641058 0xc0e322 0
5 12381421 0xbceced 0
0 12423072 0xbd8fa0 0
7 12459780 0xbe1f04 0
6 12594680 0xc02df8 0
4 12511149 0xbee7ad 0
2 12569413 0xbfcb45 0
3 12489360 0xbe9290 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569420 0xbfcb4c 0
4 12511156 0xbee7b4 0
7 12459788 0xbe1f0c 0
1 12641066 0xc0e32a 0
3 12489367 0xbe9297 0
5 12381429 0xbcecf5 0
6 12594687 0xc02dff 0
0 12423080 0xbd8fa8 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12594685 0xc02dfd 0
2 12569418 0xbfcb4a 0
7 12459786 0xbe1f0a 0
1 12641064 0xc0e328 0
0 12423079 0xbd8fa7 0
4 12511155 0xbee7b3 0
3 12489366 0xbe9296 0
5 12381428 0xbcecf4 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641062 0xc0e326 0
6 12594683 0xc02dfb 0
2 12569416 0xbfcb48 0
3 12489364 0xbe9294 0
0 12423077 0xbd8fa5 0
5 12381426 0xbcecf2 0
4 12511153 0xbee7b1 0
7 12459785 0xbe1f09 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641068 0xc0e32c 0
5 12381431 0xbcecf7 0
2 12569422 0xbfcb4e 0
7 12459790 0xbe1f0e 0
6 12594690 0xc02e02 0
3 12489370 0xbe929a 0
0 12423083 0xbd8fab 0
4 12511159 0xbee7b7 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569421 0xbfcb4d 0
4 12511157 0xbee7b5 0
7 12459789 0xbe1f0d 0
1 12641067 0xc0e32b 0
3 12489368 0xbe9298 0
5 12381430 0xbcecf6 0
6 12594688 0xc02e00 0
0 12423081 0xbd8fa9 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381418 0xbcecea 0
6 12594676 0xc02df4 0
0 12423069 0xbd8f9d 0
2 12569409 0xbfcb41 0
4 12511145 0xbee7a9 0
7 12459777 0xbe1f01 0
1 12641055 0xc0e31f 0
3 12489356 0xbe928c 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381433 0xbcecf9 0
2 12569424 0xbfcb50 0
7 12459792 0xbe1f10 0
6 12594692 0xc02e04 0
0 12423085 0xbd8fad 0
4 12511161 0xbee7b9 0
1 12641071 0xc0e32f 0
3 12489372 0xbe929c 0
lmm_stripe_count: 7
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12459796 0xbe1f14 0
3 12489375 0xbe929f 0
5 12381437 0xbcecfd 0
0 12423088 0xbd8fb0 0
1 12641075 0xc0e333 0
6 12594696 0xc02e08 0
4 12511165 0xbee7bd 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489379 0xbe92a3 0
2 12569431 0xbfcb57 0
1 12641078 0xc0e336 0
5 12381442 0xbced02 0
4 12511169 0xbee7c1 0
7 12459801 0xbe1f19 0
6 12594700 0xc02e0c 0
0 12423093 0xbd8fb5 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569414 0xbfcb46 0
1 12641060 0xc0e324 0
5 12381423 0xbcecef 0
4 12511151 0xbee7af 0
3 12489362 0xbe9292 0
7 12459783 0xbe1f07 0
6 12594682 0xc02dfa 0
0 12423075 0xbd8fa3 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511158 0xbee7b6 0
3 12489369 0xbe9299 0
6 12594689 0xc02e01 0
0 12423082 0xbd8faa 0
1 12641069 0xc0e32d 0
7 12459791 0xbe1f0f 0
5 12381432 0xbcecf8 0
2 12569423 0xbfcb4f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569426 0xbfcb52 0
7 12459794 0xbe1f12 0
5 12381435 0xbcecfb 0
0 12423086 0xbd8fae 0
1 12641073 0xc0e331 0
4 12511163 0xbee7bb 0
3 12489374 0xbe929e 0
6 12594694 0xc02e06 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511152 0xbee7b0 0
3 12489363 0xbe9293 0
5 12381425 0xbcecf1 0
0 12423076 0xbd8fa4 0
7 12459784 0xbe1f08 0
6 12594684 0xc02dfc 0
2 12569417 0xbfcb49 0
1 12641063 0xc0e327 0