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\title{Benefit of DDN's IME-FUSE for I/O intensive HPC applications.}
%\author{Double blind}
\author{Eugen Betke\inst{1} \and Julian Kunkel\inst{2}}
\institute{Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, Hamburg, Germany,\\
University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom,\\
\maketitle % typeset the title of the contribution
Todo: abstract \ldots
\keywords{Lustre, FUSE, evaluation, flash-based storage}
The IOR stonewalling option (-d 60) was used together with the wear out option (-o StonewallingWearOut=1).
In this way we make sure, that each node writes the same amount of data, even if the stonewalling deadline is achieved.
For read access a 12TB test file was pre-created and used for all experiments.
Since IME has the ability to migrate data from back-end file system to IMEs and vice versa, we made sure that this file was always locate on IMEs.
For write access we used a separate test file, which was always deleted after each test run.
Parameter & Values \\
Number of nodes & 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 \\
Processes per node & 1, 4, 8, 16 \\
Access & read, write \\
Block sizes & 16KiB, 100KiB, 1MiB, 10MiB \\
Iterations & 3 \\
\caption{Explored parameteres}
During the parameter exploration 540 experimentes were conducted.
The explored parameters are showed in \Cref{tab:params:ime}.
The resulting peformance is showed in \Cref{fig:perf:linear:ime}.
\caption{Linear scale}
\caption{Logarithmic scale}
\caption{Native IME random performance to a shared file measured with IOR}
\textbf{Reproducible performance}
\textbf{Good scaling behaviour for large blocks}
\textbf{Limited scaling behavour for small block sizes}
\section{IBM Spectrum Scale}
% https://support.dvsus.com/hc/en-us/articles/212928566-GPFS-general-commands-
% mmlsfs all
% mmlscluster
% mmlsconfig
A GPFS file system was used as back-end for IMEs.
The pagepool was 6GB large.
Parameter & Values \\
Number of nodes & 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 \\
Processes per node & 1, 4, 8 \\
Access & read, write \\
Block sizes & 16KiB, 100KiB, 1MiB, 10MiB \\
Iterations & 3 \\
\caption{Explored parameteres}
During the parameter exploration 540 experimentes were conducted.
The explored parameters are showed in \Cref{tab:params:ime}.
The resulting peformance is showed in \Cref{fig:perf:linear:ime}.
\caption{Linear scale}
\caption{Logarithmic scale}
\caption{Native IME random performance to a shared file measured with IOR}
\caption{Linear scale}
\caption{Logarithmic scale}
\caption{Native IME random performance to a shared file measured with IOR}
\section{Experiment Configuration}
Thanks to DDN for providing access to the IME test cluster and to Jean-Thomas Acquaviva for the support.