
605 lines
24 KiB

+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 8 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 102400 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:4#PPN:8#API:POSIX#T:102400.txt
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 15:38:08 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 102400 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write -w
Machine: Linux isc17-c04
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 15:38:08 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/ioperf/file_write
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 32 (8 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 102400 bytes
blocksize = 18.75 GiB
aggregate filesize = 600 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 644230553600.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 129645056000.
write 913.55 19660800 100.00 0.002680 135.34 0.000347 135.34 0
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 111926988800.
write 765.87 19660800 100.00 0.016071 139.36 0.000441 139.37 1
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 644222156800.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 114604748800.
write 795.73 19660800 100.00 0.009010 137.34 0.000454 137.35 2
Max Write: 913.55 MiB/sec (957.93 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
write 913.55 765.87 825.05 63.76 137.35544 0 32 8 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 20132659200 102400 129645056000 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 15:45:05 2018
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 8 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/git/ime-evaluation/drop_caches.sh
+ /opt/ddn/mvapich/bin/mpiexec -ppn 8 -np 32 -genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1 -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_LEVEL core -genv MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY scatter --hosts isc17-c04,isc17-c05,isc17-c06,isc17-c07 /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 102400 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file -r
+ tee -a ./output/COUNT:1#NN:4#PPN:8#API:POSIX#T:102400.txt
IOR-3.0.1: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began: Tue Oct 23 15:45:17 2018
Command line used: /esfs/jtacquaviva/software/install/ior/git-ddn/bin/ior -i 3 -s 1 -t 102400 -b 20132659200 -D 120 -a POSIX -F -e -g -z -k -o /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file -r
Machine: Linux isc17-c04
Test 0 started: Tue Oct 23 15:45:17 2018
api = POSIX
test filename = /esfs/jtacquaviva/indread4/file
access = file-per-process
ordering in a file = random offsets
ordering inter file= no tasks offsets
clients = 32 (8 per node)
repetitions = 3
xfersize = 102400 bytes
blocksize = 18.75 GiB
aggregate filesize = 600 GiB
Using stonewalling = 120 second(s)
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 5153960755200.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 53493350400.
read 425.02 19660800 100.00 0.006524 120.03 0.005546 120.03 0
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 5153960755200.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 58569728000.
read 465.37 19660800 100.00 0.005566 120.03 0.005577 120.03 1
WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 644245094400.
WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 5153960755200.
WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 64302899200.
read 510.91 19660800 100.00 0.005641 120.02 0.011653 120.03 2
Max Read: 510.91 MiB/sec (535.73 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum
read 510.91 425.02 467.10 35.08 120.02880 0 32 8 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 20132659200 102400 53493350400 POSIX 0
Finished: Tue Oct 23 15:51:18 2018
+ set +x
stripe_count: 8 stripe_size: 1048576 stripe_offset: -1
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641613 0xc0e54d 0
3 12489916 0xbe94bc 0
5 12381980 0xbcef1c 0
6 12595234 0xc03022 0
0 12423624 0xbd91c8 0
2 12569970 0xbfcd72 0
4 12511707 0xbee9db 0
7 12460337 0xbe2131 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12595229 0xc0301d 0
0 12423619 0xbd91c3 0
2 12569965 0xbfcd6d 0
4 12511702 0xbee9d6 0
7 12460332 0xbe212c 0
1 12641608 0xc0e548 0
3 12489911 0xbe94b7 0
5 12381975 0xbcef17 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12423628 0xbd91cc 0
2 12569974 0xbfcd76 0
4 12511711 0xbee9df 0
7 12460341 0xbe2135 0
1 12641617 0xc0e551 0
3 12489920 0xbe94c0 0
5 12381984 0xbcef20 0
6 12595238 0xc03026 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569967 0xbfcd6f 0
4 12511704 0xbee9d8 0
7 12460334 0xbe212e 0
1 12641610 0xc0e54a 0
3 12489913 0xbe94b9 0
5 12381977 0xbcef19 0
6 12595231 0xc0301f 0
0 12423621 0xbd91c5 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12460336 0xbe2130 0
1 12641612 0xc0e54c 0
3 12489915 0xbe94bb 0
5 12381979 0xbcef1b 0
6 12595233 0xc03021 0
0 12423623 0xbd91c7 0
2 12569969 0xbfcd71 0
4 12511706 0xbee9da 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12423603 0xbd91b3 0
2 12569949 0xbfcd5d 0
4 12511686 0xbee9c6 0
7 12460316 0xbe211c 0
1 12641592 0xc0e538 0
3 12489895 0xbe94a7 0
5 12381959 0xbcef07 0
6 12595213 0xc0300d 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12423620 0xbd91c4 0
2 12569966 0xbfcd6e 0
4 12511703 0xbee9d7 0
7 12460333 0xbe212d 0
1 12641609 0xc0e549 0
3 12489912 0xbe94b8 0
5 12381976 0xbcef18 0
6 12595230 0xc0301e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489893 0xbe94a5 0
0 12423601 0xbd91b1 0
4 12511684 0xbee9c4 0
1 12641590 0xc0e536 0
6 12595212 0xc0300c 0
2 12569948 0xbfcd5c 0
7 12460315 0xbe211b 0
5 12381958 0xbcef06 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489917 0xbe94bd 0
5 12381981 0xbcef1d 0
6 12595235 0xc03023 0
0 12423625 0xbd91c9 0
2 12569971 0xbfcd73 0
4 12511708 0xbee9dc 0
7 12460338 0xbe2132 0
1 12641614 0xc0e54e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569959 0xbfcd67 0
4 12511696 0xbee9d0 0
7 12460326 0xbe2126 0
1 12641602 0xc0e542 0
3 12489905 0xbe94b1 0
5 12381969 0xbcef11 0
6 12595223 0xc03017 0
0 12423613 0xbd91bd 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381974 0xbcef16 0
6 12595228 0xc0301c 0
0 12423618 0xbd91c2 0
2 12569964 0xbfcd6c 0
4 12511701 0xbee9d5 0
7 12460331 0xbe212b 0
1 12641607 0xc0e547 0
3 12489910 0xbe94b6 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569943 0xbfcd57 0
4 12511680 0xbee9c0 0
7 12460310 0xbe2116 0
1 12641586 0xc0e532 0
3 12489889 0xbe94a1 0
5 12381953 0xbcef01 0
6 12595207 0xc03007 0
0 12423597 0xbd91ad 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489899 0xbe94ab 0
0 12423607 0xbd91b7 0
4 12511690 0xbee9ca 0
1 12641596 0xc0e53c 0
5 12381963 0xbcef0b 0
2 12569954 0xbfcd62 0
7 12460321 0xbe2121 0
6 12595218 0xc03012 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12460318 0xbe211e 0
3 12489898 0xbe94aa 0
1 12641595 0xc0e53b 0
6 12595215 0xc0300f 0
2 12569951 0xbfcd5f 0
5 12381962 0xbcef0a 0
0 12423606 0xbd91b6 0
4 12511689 0xbee9c9 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641605 0xc0e545 0
3 12489908 0xbe94b4 0
5 12381972 0xbcef14 0
6 12595226 0xc0301a 0
0 12423616 0xbd91c0 0
2 12569962 0xbfcd6a 0
4 12511699 0xbee9d3 0
7 12460329 0xbe2129 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12595237 0xc03025 0
0 12423627 0xbd91cb 0
2 12569973 0xbfcd75 0
4 12511710 0xbee9de 0
7 12460340 0xbe2134 0
1 12641616 0xc0e550 0
3 12489919 0xbe94bf 0
5 12381983 0xbcef1f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489909 0xbe94b5 0
5 12381973 0xbcef15 0
6 12595227 0xc0301b 0
0 12423617 0xbd91c1 0
2 12569963 0xbfcd6b 0
4 12511700 0xbee9d4 0
7 12460330 0xbe212a 0
1 12641606 0xc0e546 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511705 0xbee9d9 0
7 12460335 0xbe212f 0
1 12641611 0xc0e54b 0
3 12489914 0xbe94ba 0
5 12381978 0xbcef1a 0
6 12595232 0xc03020 0
0 12423622 0xbd91c6 0
2 12569968 0xbfcd70 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 2
obdidx objid objid group
2 12569950 0xbfcd5e 0
5 12381960 0xbcef08 0
6 12595214 0xc0300e 0
0 12423604 0xbd91b4 0
4 12511687 0xbee9c7 0
7 12460317 0xbe211d 0
3 12489897 0xbe94a9 0
1 12641593 0xc0e539 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511681 0xbee9c1 0
7 12460311 0xbe2117 0
1 12641587 0xc0e533 0
3 12489890 0xbe94a2 0
5 12381954 0xbcef02 0
6 12595208 0xc03008 0
0 12423598 0xbd91ae 0
2 12569944 0xbfcd58 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 4
obdidx objid objid group
4 12511697 0xbee9d1 0
7 12460327 0xbe2127 0
1 12641603 0xc0e543 0
3 12489906 0xbe94b2 0
5 12381970 0xbcef12 0
6 12595224 0xc03018 0
0 12423614 0xbd91be 0
2 12569960 0xbfcd68 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12595217 0xc03011 0
2 12569953 0xbfcd61 0
7 12460320 0xbe2120 0
3 12489900 0xbe94ac 0
0 12423608 0xbd91b8 0
4 12511691 0xbee9cb 0
1 12641597 0xc0e53d 0
5 12381965 0xbcef0d 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 3
obdidx objid objid group
3 12489896 0xbe94a8 0
1 12641594 0xc0e53a 0
5 12381961 0xbcef09 0
0 12423605 0xbd91b5 0
4 12511688 0xbee9c8 0
6 12595216 0xc03010 0
2 12569952 0xbfcd60 0
7 12460319 0xbe211f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12460328 0xbe2128 0
1 12641604 0xc0e544 0
3 12489907 0xbe94b3 0
5 12381971 0xbcef13 0
6 12595225 0xc03019 0
0 12423615 0xbd91bf 0
2 12569961 0xbfcd69 0
4 12511698 0xbee9d2 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12595220 0xc03014 0
0 12423610 0xbd91ba 0
2 12569956 0xbfcd64 0
4 12511693 0xbee9cd 0
7 12460323 0xbe2123 0
1 12641599 0xc0e53f 0
3 12489902 0xbe94ae 0
5 12381966 0xbcef0e 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
obdidx objid objid group
1 12641589 0xc0e535 0
3 12489892 0xbe94a4 0
5 12381956 0xbcef04 0
6 12595210 0xc0300a 0
0 12423600 0xbd91b0 0
2 12569946 0xbfcd5a 0
4 12511683 0xbee9c3 0
7 12460313 0xbe2119 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 0
obdidx objid objid group
0 12423612 0xbd91bc 0
2 12569958 0xbfcd66 0
4 12511695 0xbee9cf 0
7 12460325 0xbe2125 0
1 12641601 0xc0e541 0
3 12489904 0xbe94b0 0
5 12381968 0xbcef10 0
6 12595222 0xc03016 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 7
obdidx objid objid group
7 12460312 0xbe2118 0
1 12641588 0xc0e534 0
3 12489891 0xbe94a3 0
5 12381955 0xbcef03 0
6 12595209 0xc03009 0
0 12423599 0xbd91af 0
2 12569945 0xbfcd59 0
4 12511682 0xbee9c2 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12595221 0xc03015 0
0 12423611 0xbd91bb 0
2 12569957 0xbfcd65 0
4 12511694 0xbee9ce 0
7 12460324 0xbe2124 0
1 12641600 0xc0e540 0
3 12489903 0xbe94af 0
5 12381967 0xbcef0f 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381964 0xbcef0c 0
6 12595219 0xc03013 0
0 12423609 0xbd91b9 0
2 12569955 0xbfcd63 0
4 12511692 0xbee9cc 0
7 12460322 0xbe2122 0
1 12641598 0xc0e53e 0
3 12489901 0xbe94ad 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 5
obdidx objid objid group
5 12381982 0xbcef1e 0
6 12595236 0xc03024 0
0 12423626 0xbd91ca 0
2 12569972 0xbfcd74 0
4 12511709 0xbee9dd 0
7 12460339 0xbe2133 0
1 12641615 0xc0e54f 0
3 12489918 0xbe94be 0
lmm_stripe_count: 8
lmm_stripe_size: 1048576
lmm_pattern: 1
lmm_layout_gen: 0
lmm_stripe_offset: 6
obdidx objid objid group
6 12595211 0xc0300b 0
2 12569947 0xbfcd5b 0
7 12460314 0xbe211a 0
3 12489894 0xbe94a6 0
5 12381957 0xbcef05 0
0 12423602 0xbd91b2 0
4 12511685 0xbee9c5 0
1 12641591 0xc0e537 0